Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028
Below are highlights of work I've done on corruption and white collar crime, including intellectual property theft, fraud, and embezzlement.
Article: Artello, K. & J.S. Albanese. (2024). Addressing White Collar and Corporate Crime: Prosecution, Nonprosecution, or Deferred Prosecution? Journal of Criminal Justice and Law. Official Journal of the Law and Public Policy Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Vol. 7, Issue 2.
Article: Gainey, R.R., J.S. Albanese, T. Vandecar-Burdin, J. Hawdon, T.E. Dearden & K. Parti. (2024). Routine Citizen Internet Practices and Cyber Victimization: A State-wide Study in Virginia. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society. DOI:10.1080/1478601X.2023.2254094
Interview on Fraudish Podcast (formerly Great Women in Fraud) hosted by Kelly Paxton (former investigator), on the subject of fraud, white collar crime, and gambling. March, 2023.
Book chapter: Jay S. Albanese, “Organized Crime as Financial Crime.“ In The New Technology of Financial Crime: New Crime Commission Technology, New Victims, New Offenders, and New Strategies for Prevention and Control. D. Rebovich and J.M. Byrne, eds. (Routledge, 2023).
Article: Why Corruption is the Largest Problem in the World: Freda Adler Distinguished International Scholar Award Address, International Criminology (official journal of the American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology). (2022).
Article: Cybercrime as an Essential Element in Transnational Counterfeiting Schemes. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development, vol. 3 (2021), DOI:
Article: Culture of Corruption: Prosecutions, Persistence and Desistence. (with K. Artello) Public Integrity, (2021), a journal of the American Society for Public Administration
Article: "Rising to the Surface: The Detection of Public Corruption". (with K. Artello) Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, vol. 21 (2020), 74-89.(Journal of the Western Society of Criminology.)
Commentary: How Education Could Reduce Corruption. Oxford University Press Blog. "Oxford University Press's Academic Insights for the Thinking World" July, 2020.
Video: Countering Transnational Crime and Corruption (2020)
Article: “Distinguishing Corruption in Law and Practice: Empirically Separating Conviction Charges from Underlying Behaviors.” (with K. Artello & L. Nguyen. Public Integrity, vol. 21 (2019), 22-37. (an ASPA journal affiliated with ASPA’s Section on Ethics and Integrity in Governance)
Article: “The Behavior of Corruption: An Empirical Typology of Public Corruption by Objective & Method.” (with K.Artello) Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, vol. 20, (2019), 1-12.
Article: "Countering Transnational Crime and Corruption: The Urge to Action Versus the Patience to Evaluate.” Justice Evaluation Journal, DOI: 10.1080/24751979.2018.1478234 (2018). (A journal of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.)
Article: "Focusing Anti-Corruption Efforts More Effectively: An Empirical Look at Offender Motivation -- Positive, Classical, Structural and Ethical Approaches." (w/K. Artello) Advances in Applied Sociology, vol.8, No.6, (June 2018)
Chapter: “When Corruption and Organised Crime Overlap: an Empirical Hierarchy of Corrupt Conduct.” In L. Campbell and N. Lord, eds. Corruption in Commercial Enterprise: Law, Theory, Practice. (Routledge, 2018).
Chapter: “Erin Brockovich and A Civil Action: Ética y responsabilidad corporativa” book chapter in Gobierno Corporativo y Ética en los Negocios. Análisis de Casos Cinematográficos, Moira Nakousi and Daniel Soto, eds. (Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. Analysis of Cinematographic Cases). (Santiago, Chile, 2017). (in Spanish)
Chapter: "Corruption Risks in Criminal Investigations," in Corruption in the Criminal Justice Chain and Tools for Assessment, R. Messick and S. Schutte, eds. (Bergen, Norway: Michelsen Institute, 2015). In English, French, and Russian.
"The Characteristic Crime of the 21st Century: 'The counterfeit handbag has a better mark-up than heroin.'" in Brand Protection 2020: Perspectives on the Issues Shaping theGlobal Risk and Response to Product Counterfeiting. Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection, 2015.
Chapter: “El Lobo De Wall Street” - Encuentro Entre La Criminalidad De Empresa Y La Criminalidad Organizada (The Wolf of Wall Street: Where White Collar Crime and Organized Crime Meet) In Cine y casos de negocios: Una mirada multidisciplinaria (Cinema and Business Cases: A Multidisciplinary Approach), Moira Nakousi and Daniel Soto, eds. Santiago, Chile: Centro de Innovación Financiera, Escuela de Negocios, 2015. (In Spanish).
Chapter: “The Relationship between Corruption and Financial Crime” (with Nicole Leeper Piquero). In A. Graycar and R.G. Smith, eds. Handbook of Global Research and Practice in Corruption (Elgar Publishing, 2012).
Article: “Theft in the Electrical Distribution Industry: Results from a National Survey,” TED Magazine (October, 2010).
Edited book: Combating Piracy: Intellectual Property Theft and Fraud, J. Albanese, ed. (Transaction, 2009; Routledge, 2017).
Article: "White Collar Crimes & Casino Gambling: Looking for Empirical Links to Forgery, Embezzlement, and Fraud." Crime, Law and Social Change, vol. 49 (June, 2008).
Article: “Fraud: The Characteristic Crime of the 21st Century.” Trends in Organized Crime, vol. 8 (2005).
Presentation: “International Aspects of Identity Theft.” Luncheon speaker at the National Institute of Justice Identity Theft Focus Group Experts Meeting. Washington, D.C. January, 2005.
Book: White Collar Crime in America. (Prentice Hall, 1995).
Article: "The Lockheed Foreign Payments Case 10 Years Later: Bribery or Extortion?" International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 9 [1985].
[In German] In Karlhans Liebl, Ed. Internationale Forschungsergebnisse Auf Dem Gebiet Der Wirtschaftskriminalitat. [International Results of Research in Economic Crime]. Federal Republic of Germany: Centaurus‑Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.
Article: "Tomorrow's Thieves: Manifestations of Theft in the Computer Age."The Futurist, (September‑October, 1988).(Reprinted in Current Municipal Problems, 15, 4 [1989])(Reprinted in Understanding Social Life: A Reader in Sociology, ed. by W.M. Newman and F.A. Boudreau, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1993).
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