Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028
Jay Albanese is a founding member of Criminologists without Borders, which is a group of criminologists, researchers, professors, and those working in the field who seek to apply scientific findings and "best practices" to the policies and operations of crime prevention and criminal justice systems. He developed a listserv and web page for this non-governmental organization, which also provides summaries of research findings for the annual meetings of the United Nations Crime Commission in Vienna, Austria. See
Commentary: The Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty: Five Reasons to Reconsider the Approach to Transnational Cybercrimes. (2023).
Also published at
Article: Albanese, J. & Reichel, P. (2024). United Nations Connections to ASC and ACJS. The Criminologist, vol. 50, no. 1. (Newsletter of the American Society of Criminology).
Video presentation: (3 minutes) - "International Cooperation on Crimes against the Environment." Contribution to UN CCPCJ Expert Discussions on Crimes that Affect the Environment. 1st intersessional meeting. A statement of Criminologists Without Borders. Video posted at Video presentation (3 minutes): “Linking Crime Prevention to Enablers, Markets, Drivers.” A statement by Criminologists Without Borders at Thematic Discussions of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on the implementation of the Kyoto Declaration. Vienna. November 10, 2021. Video: Countering Transnational Crime and Corruption: The Urge to Action Versus the Patience to Evaluate (2 min. 30sec). This video summarizes significant changes over the last 20 years in responding to transnational organized crime, corruption and global injustice, and points to the need to evaluate their effectiveness. Specific areas are identified in which ongoing evaluation is needed at the intersection between the urge to take action and the patience to evaluate. A version of this video was disseminated at the UN Crime Commission meeting in December 2020. Commentary: “We Find the Organized Crime We’re Looking For.” Criminologists Without Borders, May 2020. Joint Research Report: The theme of the 28th UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice meeting in Vienna in 2019 was: "The responsibility of effective, fair, humane and accountable criminal justice systems in preventing and countering crime motivated by intolerance or discrimination of any kind." A research summary of empirical findings of evidence on this subject was compiled from major world regions for the meeting in May, 2019. A copy of this 8-page document is linked here. Joint Research Report by Criminologists Without Borders for the 2018 UN Crime Commission Meeting, Criminal justice responses to prevent and counter cybercrime in all its forms, including through the strengthening of cooperation at the national and international levels. Vienna, Austria. (May 2018). Article: “United Nations Liaison Activity: UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice,” The Criminologist, (2017). Joint Report by Criminologists Without Borders for the 2017 UN Crime Commission Meeting, Comprehensive and Integrated Crime Prevention Strategies: Public Participation, Social Policies, and Education in Support of the Rule of Law. Vienna, Austria. (May 2017). |
Criminologists without Borders is a registered non-profit organization which seeks to provide objective information and research to inform policy and programs dealing with crime and criminal justice. It offers a neutral forum for the presentation and dissemination of research and best practices informed by social scientific evidence.
Speaking on international crime rates at the UN Crime Congress in Doha, Qatar in 2015.
The United Nations complex in Vienna, Austria, the home of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.
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Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028