Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028
Below is a summary of work on emerging and future trends
in crime and justice in areas that include juvenile delinquency, fraud, law enforcement, obscenity, organized crime, and criminal justice education.
Commentary: The Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty: Five Reasons to Reconsider the Approach to Transnational Cybercrimes. (2023).
Also published at
Book: Elsie Harper-Anderson, Jay Albanese, and Susan Gooden, eds. (2023). The Triple Pandemic: Racial Equity, COVID-19, and Public Policy. Routledge.
Book chapter: Jay Albanese & Chernoh Wurie. (2023). “Policing in America: Finding a Way Out of an Endless Cycle of Scandal and Unfilled Reform.” In E. Harper-Anderson, J. Albanese, and S. Gooden, eds. The Triple Pandemic: Racial Equity, COVID-19, and Public Policy. Routledge.
Video: Countering Transnational Crime and Corruption (2020)
Video: wrote and delivered a video segment for SAGE Knowledge on Comparing & Delivering Juvenile Justice across the World (2016). This 8-minute video is part of the SAGE Video series.DOI:
Article: "Comparing and Delivering Juvenile Justice Across the World," (with P. Reichel) in H. Kury, S. Redo, and E. Shea, eds. Women and Children as Victims and Offenders (Springer, 2016).
5-Volumes: Encyclopedia of Criminology & Criminal Justice (Editor-in-Chief) (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014).
Book: Criminal Justice, 5th edition (Prentice Hall, 2013).
Chapter: “"Looking for a New Approach to an Old Problem: The Future of Obscenity and Pornography,” in R. Muraskin and A. Roberts, eds. Visions for Change: Crime and Justice in the 21st Century, 5th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2009).
Book: Dealing with Delinquency: The Future of Juvenile Justice. Second Edition. (Wadsworth, 1993).
Brief Monograph: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: What Do We Know and What Do We Do About It?(National Institute of Justice, 2007).
Edited book: Combating Piracy: Intellectual Property Theft and Fraud, J. Albanese, ed. (Transaction, 2009).
Article: “Presidential Address: Five Fundamental Mistakes of Criminal Justice,” Justice Quarterly, 13 (December, 1996).
Article: “Ensuring Quality in Criminal Justice Education: Academic Standards and the Reemergence of Accreditation,” (with M. Southerland, A. Merlo, L. Robinson, P. Benekos). Journal of Criminal Justice Education. vol. 18 (March 2007), pp. 87-105.
Article: "The Future of Policing: A Private Concern?" Police Studies: The International Review of Police Development, 9 [August, 1986].
Article: "Tomorrow's Thieves: Manifestations of Theft in the Computer Age." The Futurist, [September‑October, 1988].
(Reprinted in Current Municipal Problems, 15, 4 [1989])(Reprinted in Understanding Social Life: A Reader in Sociology, ed. by W.M. Newman and F.A. Boudreau, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1993.)
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Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028