Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028
This page summarizes some of my work on ethics, critical thinking, and professional applications of ethical principles in practice.
Book: Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Being Ethical When No One is Looking. 5th edition. (Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2024). See related on the corruption-ethics link:
Book: We Are Not as Ethical as We Think We Are.
(Great Ideas Publishing, 2021). 1-minute video summary here.
Audiobook version available at and
Commentary: “You are Organised Crime: Our Ethics both Before and After the Pandemic.” The Informer, April 2020. (publication of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) in the UK, launched in 2014 by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). RUSI is the world's oldest independent think tank on international defence and security.)
Podcast: interviewed as a guest on The CopDoc Podcast: Aiming for Excellence in Leadership for Policing. Hosted by Dr. Steve Morreale, the podcast discussed ethics, integrity, and accountability in police work and supervision. February 3, 2021.
Video: “Are We Facing an Ethics Crisis?” the introductory video for a new course developed by the United Nations by a global team of experts from 30 countries. Dr. Albanese appears in the video, and is working with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in its effort to develop a global curriculum on Integrity & Ethics under the “Education 4 Justice” initiative. The content is available for open access use by instructors and students around the world, translated into all six UN languages. Athens, Greece. (2018)
Video link:
Article: “Focusing Anti-Corruption Efforts More Effectively: An Empirical Look at Offender Motivation -- Positive, Classical, Structural and Ethical Approaches." (with K. Artello) Advances in Applied Sociology, vol.8, No.6 (2018).
Article: “Cultivating Ethical Conduct in the Personal, Private, and Public Sectors: Moving from Anti-Corruption Structural Reforms to Individual Accountability.” Bialystok Legal Studies (Białostockie Studia Prawnicze) – Published in English and Polish. vol. 23, 55-66. (2019).
Book: My Search for Meaning: A Professor, his Students, and 12 Great Conversations, (McMaster Media Publishing, 2020).
Book chapter: “Erin Brockovich and A Civil Action: Ética y responsabilidad corporativa” book chapter in Gobierno Corporativo y Ética en los Negocios. Análisis de Casos Cinematográficos, Moira Nakousi and Daniel Soto, eds. (Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. Analysis of Cinematographic Cases). (Santiago, Chile, 2017). (in Spanish)
Book: Critical Thinking about Criminal Justice: Getting to the Truth of the Matter. (Great Ideas Publishing, 2019).
Presentation: “Ensuring Policing Integrity: Rule of Law or Ethical Thinking? " presentation at international conference on Police Ethics and Integrity. British Society of Criminology. London. May, 2014.
Article: "Assume the Worst: Preemptive Tactics for Beating Fraud and Theft in Electrical Distribution," TED Magazine (December, 2010).
Course: Developed and taught graduate-level ethics course for criminal justice professionals, Virginia Commonwealth University (1999; on-line version 2007).
Presentation: “Professional Ethics.” Four-hour workshop for supervisors of the City of Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice. (1998).
Presentation: “Teaching Ethics Not as a Subject, But as a Mode of Human Conduct.” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Louisville, Kentucky. March, 1997.
Article: “Presidential Address: Five Fundamental Mistakes of Criminal Justice,” Justice Quarterly, 13 (December, 1996).
Presentation: "The Elvis Conspiracy: A Different Way to Teach Critical Thinking." Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences. Newport, Rhode Island. June, 1993.
Presentation: "Books, Heroes, and Reading as a Way of Life." Presentation as part of National Library Week. West Seneca School District, New York. April, 1990.
“The Behavior of Corruption: An Empirical Typology of Public Corruption by Objective & Method.” (with K.Artello) Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, vol. 20, (2019), 1-12. Official journal of the Western Society of Criminology.
Commentary: “You are Organised Crime: Our Ethics both Before and After the Pandemic.” The Informer, April. (publication of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) in the UK, launched in 2014 by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). RUSI is the world's oldest independent think tank on international defence and security.)
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