Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842028
Richmond, VA 23284-2028
Below are highlights from work conducted in the area of organized crime and corruption, including both domestic and transnational descriptions, explanations, risk assessment, and prediction.
Book chapter: Albanese, J.S. (2023). “The Development and Surges of Organized Crime: An Application of Enterprise Theory.” In Organized Crime in the 21st Century: Motivations, Opportunities, and Constraints. H. Nelen and D. Siegel, eds. Springer.
Article: Albanese, J.S. (2023). A Typology of Cybercrime: An Assessment of Federal Prosecutions. Journal of Criminal Justice and Law. Official Journal of the Law and Public Policy Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 1.
Radio and Podcast: 10-minute interview for the NPR radio program "With Good Reason" by its host Sarah McConnell. The theme was Organized crime, Ukraine, and the International response. The program airs weekly on 114 public radio stations, Soundcloud, and Spotify. (June 2022)
Podcast: Crime Beyond Borders - Hosted and moderated "Organized Crime and Corruption in Ukraine." The 30-minute podcast discussion included three Ukrainian scholars on the war in Ukraine and its current and future impacts on its people, on corruption and organized crime. The podcast is available at (2022)
Article: “Organized Crime as Financial Crime: The Nature of Organized Crime as Reflected in Prosecutions and Research.” Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice, vol. 16, 431-443, 2021.
Article: "Organizing a Theme-Based Conference Online: How a Zoom Chat Resulted in a Meeting with 3,000 Participants from 45 Countries." The Criminologist, vol 46, May/June, 2021.
Co-organizer: “The 24-Hour Conference on Global Organized Crime,” Co-sponsored by four professional international organizations in the field of organized crime. Involved planning, solicitations, organizing panels, and overseeing the meeting which featured 60 panels and 3,000 attendees. November 10-11, 2020.
Second Conference: December 1-2, 2021
"Linkages between Organized Crime and Corruption and the Multilateral Response." Part of panel presentation launching a report on this subject for the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. UN Crime Commission. Vienna. May 2021. Recording at: (at 22-minute mark).
Commentary: “You are Organised Crime: Our Ethics both Before and After the Pandemic.” The Informer, April 2020. (publication of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) in the UK, launched in 2014 by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). RUSI is the world's oldest independent think tank on international defence and security.)
Commentary: “We Find the Organized Crime We’re Looking For.” Criminologists Without Borders, May 2020.
A short video from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on its global Education for Justice Initiative. (Vienna, 2017).
Article: “Organized Crime as Financial Crime: The Nature of Organized Crime as Reflected in Prosecutions and Research.” Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice, (2021) vol. 16, 431-443.(journal of the American Society of Criminology Division of Victimology)
Chapter: “Why Organized Crime Seeks New Criminal Markets.” in Y. Zabyelina & D. van Uhm, eds. Illegal Mining: Organized Crime, Corruption, and Ecocide in a Resource-Scarce World. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Article: “Organized Crime vs. White-collar Crime: Which is the Bigger Problem?” Academia Letters, (2021) March.
Article: "Illegal Gambling & Organized Crime: An Analysis of Federal Convictions." Trends in Organized Crime, vol. 21 DOI 10.1007/s12117-017-9302-y (2018). (Journal of the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime.)
Article: “What is Organised Crime? Describing it with a Single Diagram.” The Informer, (February, 2019). (a publication of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) in the UK by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
Video: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Champions of Rule of Law: Without Education People Do Not Realize that Small Acts can Result in Larger Harms. Vienna, Austria. (2017) (20 minutes at 36:00 - 55:00)
Article: "In Pursuit of Food System Integrity: The Situational Prevention of Food Fraud Enterprise" (with N. Lord, J. Spencer, C. Elizondo). European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, (2017). European Journal of Criminal Policy Research, vol. 23, 483–501.
Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime
Invited member of the Global Initiative Network of Experts (2017).
Book: Organized Crime from the Mob to Transnational Organized Crime (Routledge, 2015).
Book: Transnational Organized Crime: An Overview of Six Continents (with P. Reichel) (Sage Publications, 2014).
Chapter: "The Italian-American Mafia (or Cosa Nostra)" in L. Paoli, ed. Oxford Handbook of Organized Crime (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Chapter: “The Cosa Nostra in the U.S.: Adapting to Changes in the Social, Economic, and Political Environment After a 25-Year Prosecution Effort,” In D. Siegel and H. van de Bunt, eds., Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World (Springer, 2012).
Article: “Controlling Organized Crime: Looking for Evidence-Based Approaches,” Victims & Offenders: Journal of Evidence Based Policies and Practices, vol. 4 (2009).
Article: “Family Fortunes---The Cosa Nostra in the U.S.: Identifying Short-term and Long-term Prospects,”
Jane’s Intelligence Review, vol. 20 (November, 2008).
Brief Monograph: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: What Do We Know and What Do We Do About It?(National Institute of Justice, 2007).
Article: “Risk Assessment in Organized Crime: Developing a Market and Product-based Model to Determine Threat Levels,” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, vol. 24 (August, 2008).
Article: “The Prediction and Control of Organized Crime: A Risk Assessment Instrument for Targeting Law Enforcement Efforts,” Trends in Organized Crime, vol. 6 (2001). Reprinted: in J. Finckenauer and J. Schrock, eds. The Prediction and Control of Organized Crime: The Experience of Post-Soviet Ukraine (Transaction Publishers, 2004.)
Article: “The Causes of Organized Crime: Do Criminals Organize Around Opportunities for Crime or Do Criminal Opportunities Create New Offenders?” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 16 (November, 2000).
Article: "North American Organised Crime," Global Crime, vol. 6 (February 2004). Reprinted: M. Galeotti, ed. Global Crime Today (Routledge, 2005).
Chapter: "Where Organized and White Collar Crime Meet: Predicting the Infiltration of Legitimate Business." in J. Albanese, ed. Contemporary Issues in Organized Crime. (Willow Tree Press, 1995).
Chapter: “Looking for a New Approach to an Old Problem: The Future of Obscenity and Pornography,” in R. Muraskin and A. Roberts, eds. Visions for Change: Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century, 5th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2009).
Article: "What Lockheed and La Cosa Nostra Have in Common: The Effect of Ideology on Criminal Justice Policy." Crime & Delinquency, 28 [April, 1982]. (Reprinted in J.F. Sheley, ed. Exploring Crime: Readings in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1987.) (Reprinted in N. Passas, ed. International Library of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Hampshire, England: Dartmouth Publishing, 1994.)
Presentation: “A Networked Enterprise Perspective for Addressing the Risk of Organized Crime.” Presentation at the International Seminar Organized Crime and Democracy: Conceptual, Methodological and historical comparative questions. Sao Paulo, Brazil. November, 2007.
Video: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Champions of Rule of Law: Without Education People Do Not Realize that Small Acts can Result in Larger Harms. Vienna. Sept. 2017.
Article: “You Are Organised Crime: Our Ethics both Before and After the Pandemic.” The Informer, (April 2020) (publication of the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) in the UK, launched in 2014 by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). RUSI is the world's oldest independent think tank on international defence and security.)
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